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Something Something Mountains & Stars​  (excerpt)

Something Something Mountains & Stars is a multimedia performance about the complex relationship humans have with the stars. Seeking  reconciliation between science and myth, the performance weaves in ritualistic movement and audience interaction.

During the performance (which takes place in an extremely low-light setting), a video of imaginary constellations (which is posted here) is projected from the far end of a telescope.  Also posted is a video which is projected during the performance on a large screen. A transcription of an excerpt from the monologue is posted below.


Something Something Mountains & Stars marks a new phase of my practice in which video, projection, spoken word and body-based performance are incorporated into one work.

Telescope Video

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Something Something Mountains & Stars  (performance monologue excerpt)


Watch this,

And let me know what you see


There is

Something about the way the stars connect

something about

being pulled by distant planets

While under the influence of other suns



There was something  

that I had written

Or dreamt of in the night

Or heard in a song

Or a line

that I had forgotten

A phrase actually

With a rhythm that went

Something something  mountains and stars

What was it?

Something something … mountains and stars


Obviously I’ve forgotten

and wonder if it ever

took form


There is something about

the uselessness of constellations

Drawing indecipherable shapes in the sky

Something about

How our eyes

will not adjust

Unless we stay longer in the dark.


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